Stop Smoking with Hypnosis at Home


My Stop Smoking series of hypnosis downloads can help you to get back in control of your health and your purse! Smoking really can be seen as a parasite, you feed it with your hard earned cash, and with your … Read More

Three Simple Steps to Overcome Anxiety


  The Body Language of Relaxation – Three Simple Steps to Overcome Anxiety   Our fear response also referred to as our fight or flight response is what gives us the symptoms which we commonly experience and refer to as … Read More

Understanding the Symptoms of Anxiety


  When your heart races and your stomach drops, you feel flushed with clammy hands, and your mouth dries up you are experiencing the perfectly natural symptoms of your fear response, more commonly known as the “fight or flight” response … Read More

Hypnosis For Neck & Shoulder Pain


Many of us suffer from the occasional stiff neck, or tense shoulders, maybe due to an uncomfortable night’s sleep in a different place to what we are used to, or from sitting at a desk hunched over the keyboard for … Read More